Tuesday, September 30, 2008


And now Hunter has used the potty twice this week! Exact same thing- woke up from his nap wet, put him on the potty and he peed. Now five minutes later he took a huge crap in his diaper... Can't wait until I don't have to change those anymore. How can such a little creature create such a killer smell?

Today was busy! It was a big deadline day for me with my job. I got all of my stuff in, then my supervisor sends me an email. Another person on this assignment wasn't able to complete any of their section so I get to finish it by Friday! ARRGGGG!!!! And of course it is the rest of the electricity unit. I really dislike electricity and of course that is what I had been working on for this project and the last project I had this summer. Well I am getting really good at grade 9 electricity!!

Finding time to do my job has been getting harder. Part of the problem is that I am now addicted to my afternoon nap. I sleep when the boy sleeps. It is wonderful. I even unplug the phone! But I am very unproductive after the boy goes to bed a night. So tonight I had to actually focus and get some work done after 7. Blah. Hopefully I get it all done by Friday. I am heading to Pelly Crossing on Thursday to visit Matt for the weekend and I want to spend a lot of time sewing booties. I have a number of orders put in and I need to get caught up.

So if you ever need to know in the ways to charge an electroscope, or learn how to draw a circuit, I am your woman. For now. I hope the next assignment is as far from electricity as you can get!!


Aida said...

ok..if i need something fixed and my man is away, expect a phone call from me..haha

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Hunter! One of my friends down the street puts her 18-month-old on the potty every 15 minutes or so, and he has a few drops to put in there every time! He basically goes diaperless at home and never has accidents anymore. But if she puts a diaper on him when they go out, he pees in the diaper. It's so funny.

And afternoon naps? Heaven. I need one right now. It was a short night!

deiss said...

On Ellen yesterday they put electricity through a pickle. I think you should make sure that experiment is in the book.

Heather, aka: Mum said...

My girls don't have smelly diapers...nooooo...girls poop strawberry icecream & burp roses!!! Just ask Sean... He'll tell'ya...thEy're just like their MUMMY !!!

Jennith said...

"Way to Go!!" Hunter :D

Hope that everything keeps swinging along for you guys.