Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Six Months Old!

Six months has passed since the chaos level in our house went up exponentially! Our little tank is now about 20lbs and wearing twelve month clothing. He also has six teeth (four on top and two on bottom). The latest entertainment is eating porridge and learning how to vocalize. So far he says a lot of blah blah blah and dadada. Pretty cute, except when it is going on at four in the morning because he hasn't quite adapted back to our time zone yet! His eyes are still blue, so I think they might stay that way although Hunter's changed around this time from blue to hazel. Cavan is a super friendly baby and is pretty content most of the time! Six months in and I cannot imagine life without him.

His roots are in Cape Breton for sure!

He has great "crazy eyes":

Look at those eyes! I am going to have to beat the girls off of him with a stick one day.

Now if only he had a bit of hair!


Frances said...

beautiful boy Kara! We sure enjoyed meeting him this summer...and visiting with you guys too!

Allmycke said...

Hair is highly over-rated in babies. Just wait until you want him to cut it off when he's a teenager...
Glad to see you back blogging, BTW

dogsled_stacie said...

He looks so much like Hunter in that second pic! What a cute little tank!! :)

Rob, Tina and the boys said...

Do you call him Tank? I would. I love it. I can't believe how much he's grown!

Aida said...

he is beautiful boy! love the crazy