Saturday, October 10, 2009


I will be home in a week and will blog more about the vacation then, but I just had to share!

Cavan is teething like a mad man!!! He has had those two bottom teeth for a while (over a month), but the top are coming in fast and furious. The right central incisor and the right lateral incisor are out! So now he looks a bit like a jack-o-lantern with the offset teeth. But it won't be that way for long! The left central and lateral incisors will be out within a week I think. The bottom lateral incisors will be through soon after that.

So my kid will be six months old with at least six teeth, if not eight! My boobs are starting to cry already. I stopped breastfeeding with Hunter at 8 months'ish because he would not stop biting me when I fed him. It was so bad my poor nipples were bleeding. Owwiieeee! I am hoping Cavan does not go that way because formula is wicked expensive and boobing is just so damn easy.


Tina said...

What? No pictures? Being on vacation is no excuse. And it's funny I thought of you nursing when you made the post about all those teeth. Ouch!

Trish said...

what about pumping, that way the bottle can take all the abuse and you don't have to buy formula.

Aida said...

ouch! he will learn though, no reason to stop nursing. :)