Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Enjoying A Yukon Spring

We are in the middle of another beautiful Yukon spring. Our third Yukon spring already- has it already been that long since we left Nunavut?

The boys and I spend a lot of time outside and they are especially enjoying digging in the sand. Today they enjoyed it so much I drug out a chair for myself and got to read a few pages in a book. How lovely!

Dig, dig, digging!

Out with the old,
and in with the new:

There is just something so beautiful about this picture.
Seeing my boy with dirty hands fills me full of joy

Our backyard tree is budding up:
Another dirty boy filling my heart with joy:

The cranes are flying through by the thousands!
Such an amazing sight and sound.

And of course the sand must be tasted for quality control.
I see some gritty-shitty diapers in my future.

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